What Happens When Two Introverts Are Friends

You’ve probably noticed that introverts tend to form close bonds with a select few people. When those people also happen to be introverts, certain dynamics come into play that are quite different from introvert-extrovert friendships. Let’s take a deeper look at what happens when two introverts come together as friends.

Understanding Without Words

One of the most interesting aspects of an introvert friendship is the level of understanding without many words needing to be exchanged. As a fellow introvert, your friend “gets” your need for alone time and isn’t put off by long stretches of comfortable silence between you.

You both respect each other’s boundaries and energy levels. If one of you is running low on social battery, the other picks up on subtle cues and is happy to postpone plans without any hurt feelings. This ability to read each other so well stems from sharing a similar inner world and perspective.

Research has shown introverts process information internally to a greater degree than extroverts. We tend to observe more than participate at first. As such, introverts have highly intuitive skills when it comes to perceiving emotions and thoughts beneath surface level expressions. This comes in handy for forging a deep connection with another introvert through nonverbal empathy and rapport.

Shared Joy of Low-Key Activities

Because group socializing can be draining, you and your introvert friend have likely come to cherish low-key one-on-one hangouts. Things like curling up with a book, going for a walk in nature, cooking a meal together, or exploring a new hobby in comfortable silence are probably mainstays. You understand the simple pleasure each other finds in quiet domestic activities without hyperstimulating environments or crowds .Common low-key activities introvert friends enjoy:

  • Board/card games
  • Cooking/baking
  • Crafts/DIY projects
  • Movies/TV at home
  • Gardening
  • Photography
  • Reading

Your shared distaste for high intensity plans means adventures are focused more on experiences than destinations or thrill-seeking. The goal is meaningful connection, not checking items off a bucket list status. This relaxed style of low-pressure bonding nourishes your introvert souls.

Acceptance of Inner Worlds

With another introvert, you don’t need to explain or defend your rich inner landscape of ideas, emotions and imagination. Solitude replenishes you both, so time alone is seen as equally valuable as time together. You accept each other fully – quirks, sensitivities, eccentric interests and all – without judgment.

Introverts tend to pride thoughtfulness and depth over extroversion. These qualities shine in your friendship as you engage in thoughtful discussions and mutually appreciate each other’s unique perspectives. We all need a person who sees our souls, not our social masks, and for introverts that person is often a fellow traveler of the inner world.

Honest Communication When Needed

While introvert relationships can have a quiet, intuitive nature, it’s still important to use your words from time to time. Research by Brut has found introverts strive for closeness through authenticity and candor rather than superficial chat. So when issues do arise between you and your friend, addressing them directly in a calm manner goes a long way.

Honest communication doesn’t come naturally to all introverts due to our more reserved style, but it’s essential for long term understanding. With practice and care for your friend’s feelings, you can both get better at speaking up when a problem mounts. A little vocal check-in here and there reassures the other you value them through good and bad. With an introvert, heartfelt truth beats small talk every time.

Support in Times of Stress

One thing introverts bond deeply over is empathizing with each other’s struggles in an overstimulating world. As an introvert, you’re susceptible to conditions like anxiety, overwhelm, burnout and even depression due to our sensitivities. Your introvert friend understands this implicitly on a level extroverts can’t always relate to.

During low patches, they respect your space but make sure to extend a listening ear when you do reach out. Thoughtful check-ins, encouragement, suggestions of restorative solo activities and reminders that you’re not alone help lift your spirits immensely. Their care and nonjudgment shine through without added pressure to “snap out of it.” You’re both there for the hard times as much as the happy ones.

Less Social Drama

Many friendships are filled with petty squabbles, he said/she said gossip and one-upmanship over superficial matters like social media followings or weekend plans. Yet introvert bonds tend to steer clear of such dramatics by their very nature.

You’ve found within your fellow introvert friend a rare breed who discusses ideas over idle chit-chat. Pet peeves, moral values and dreams for the future are far more intriguing topics than dissecting others’ actions. Emotional honesty and trust grow more authentic over time without buffers of false bravado, pretense or need to impress.

Introverts feed best off sincerity, so your friendship avoids empty fluff in favor of earnest soul nourishment. The relationship is defined by what happens between the two of you – not external factors beyond your control that waste energy. Your solidarity carries you through hardships rather than frivolous disagreements tearing you apart.

Parting Words

At their best, introvert friendships harness the magic of deep listening, true understanding and authenticity without masks. A receptive ear, compassion during rough patches and nurturing each other’s inner lives create lifelong bonds of sheltering belonging many seek their whole lives.

You’ve found someone who appreciates your quirks as much as your virtues. Who energizes you by simply being themselves rather than demanding more social output. With an introvert comrade, you need not explain your need to recharge in solitude either. This radical acceptance cultivates immense trust surpassing surface chatterboxes.

With compassionate give-and-take, you’ve built an oasis of warmth where you feel fully seen, heard and okay to simply be yourself. These relationships nourish and empower fellow travelers of the inner world for decades to come. Indeed, when two intros connect it multiplies their quiet strengths in a remarkably rewarding interaction of kindred spirits.